About Us

Yeah.. We know there're some things you don't need... but you just really, really WANT some things people don't have!

We understand the common problems when comes to gift ideas for friends or yourself... The world is just full of BORING & COMMON products! At IWBT (formerly from Omoshiroi Gadgets), we search high and low for things that are not common in Singapore and bring in latest gadgets that are interesting, innovative, unique and downright fun for you guys! Whether is it for christmas gifts, birthday gifts, for friends, girlfriend or boyfriend, you'll find all the coolest gadgets here!

By selling online with no high shopfront rental cost, you can be assured with our highly competitive pricing, if not, it gotta be the best price you can find! And we get satisfaction each time we receive great feedbacks from you guys! That really really motivates us to serve you even better.

After all, we won’t be happy unless YOU ARE!! :)